
Deletes a remote directory and its contents.







This function deletes a remote directory and the files that it contains using GridFTP. The function will not delete the remote directory specified (or any of its contents) if the remote directory contains any sub-directories. This is a safety feature which is intended to mitigate the risks of wildcard deletions on a remote machine.


If the specified directory contains sub-directories an error will be thrown. Errors will also be thrown if the directory does not exist or if permission is denied to delete the directory or its contents.


gd_rmuniquedir(host,remotedir) where host is the name of the GridFTP server and remotedir is the name of the directory to be deleted.


gd_rmuniquedir(host,remotedir,ispassive) where if ispassive is false the active FTP mode will be used, otherwise the default passive FTP mode will be used. If a passive connection cannot be established a warning is displayed and an active mode connection will be attempted.



In earlier versions of this function the default FTP mode was active. The passive mode is now used by default since this is may be more appropriate when the GridFTP client is behind a firewall which blocks incoming connections.


See Also

gd_rmdir, gd_rmfile, gd_submitunique





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