Banana problem

An example of the unconstrained Banana problem based upon Rosenbrock's function.


Equation 1 Rosenbrock's function



This problem may be extended into multiple dimensions; however by default the problem is 2D. This example plots the objective function surface of the Banana problem.


>> input = createbananastruct(2.8, 2);

>> input.OMETHD = 2.8;

>> input.MC_TYPE = 4;

>> input.NITERS = 500;

>> input.LVARS = [-1, -1];

>> output = OptionsMatlab(input)


output =


      VARS: [2x1 double]

    OBJFUN: 0

    OBJTRC: [1x1 struct]


>> optimisationTerrain(output,input,3)


Figure 4 The objective function surface of the Banana problem



bananafun                  objective function

bananafun_parallel         parallel version of the objective function

bananafun_parallel_parse   parallel version of the objective function

createbananastruct         creates an input structure for the banana problem

createbananastructparallel creates an input structure for the parallel invocation of the banana problem





Beam problem

Copyright © 2007, The Geodise Project, University of Southampton